Skilled Day Helps Patients and Families Stay in Touch During Pandemic

The news of the fast-spreading coronavirus (CoVid-19) has the world on edge. The fact that it has been hitting the elderly population at a disproportionately large rate is causing nursing facilities to cut off visitor access. Skilled Day provides a way for people to stay informed about their loved ones during treatment.

In the US, nursing homes are developing plans to help combat the spread of the virus, including not allowing visitors to their facilities. While it may be difficult for families to not see their loved ones during this time of crisis, isolation is key to helping to slow the rapid spread of this disease.

Skilled Day is scheduling software for nursing facilities. It allows for a convenient and fast way for caregivers to schedule therapies, treatments, activities, and manage off-site appointments for their residents. Skilled Day provides the facility with an overview of all residents’ schedules, allowing the facilities to know where residents are.

In addition, Skilled Day allows patients to check their schedule on their smartphone, tablet, or computer. A link can also be sent to family members so that they can see what their loved one is doing throughout the day. This simple way to check-in with their loved one can be invaluable for their families–especially if they are not able to visit them daily.

Family involvement can be beneficial for patient care. For example, in stroke patients, family involvement has been shown to speed recovery time. While families may not be allowed to be physically present to assist their loved ones during the pandemic, with a quick click on a link, they can stay informed on Skilled Day. With more information on hand, families are given peace of mind–knowing what treatments are given and when can provide them with a connection to their loved one even if they are in another location.

If you are interested in learning more about Skilled Day, visit .